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Plan a Mental Health Weekend – 5 Steps to De-stress Your Life

Writer's picture: The Sunshine BoxThe Sunshine Box

Weekends are a perfect time to allocate some energy to your mental health . Here’s some ideas how:

Step #1: Make yourself a priority.

Schedule time for yourself and guard this appointment as carefully as you would a medical exam or client meeting. Don’t answer your phone. If you have small children and can only manage to take a few hours, do it. Tell your family, friends, and everyone else that you are not available during this time. Don’t feel guilty and don’t cave in.

Step #2: Dress comfortably.

This is the time to chill-out and be comfy. Slip into those warm soft jammies, or anything you feel happy in. Dress to please yourself not others.

Step #3: Get the glow.

Choose to focus on an activity that creates delight in your soul. Sit back and view classic films, crank up the volume of your favorite music, paint or sew. Begin a journal, practice a musical instrument, or take a bubble bath. Missed the most recent episode of something? - watch it now.

Step #4: Eat simple.

Foods should be low-key and relaxed. Fresh fruits and salads or take-out meals are quick, easy, and clean up in a few minutes. Save your energy for activities that will leave you feeling invigorated and recharged.

Step #5: Have Fun.

Your mental health weekend has to be what you want it to be. It should generate positive spirits and strong feelings of contentment.

· It should not be a chore

· It should not be another item to tick off the to-do list

· It should not create frustration or disappointment

A lot can be accomplished in a weekend by using these simple but effective ways to decompress from a busy life.

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