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The Love Box combines a range of goodies & tools to encourage the practice of self love.


It comes in a postal box and is beautifully presented


It contains:

• Rose Quartz Pendant

• Rose Body Oil

• Crystal Infused Candles

• Affirmation Card

• Belgian Chocolates


Booklet full of tips and tricks to help you practise self love including:• 30 days of Self Love• Exercise for Self-Compassion • Mindful Eating • Ayurvedic Self Massage Instructions • 15 Ways to Practise Self Love


Rose Quartz  is also known as the love stone. Rose quartz encourages all kinds of love, whether that be self-love, romantic love, or even friendship. It purifies and opens up the heart allowing us to express our true emotions.Many believe that rose-quartz increases self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth.Rose quartz has a gentle healing energy that is said to relieve emotional pain.Try hanging your rose quartz in the heart of your home or in your bedroom; perhaps over your bed or in your window so that the moon can shine over it during the night


Rose Body Oil The rose is widely considered the most beautiful flower in the world; however, it is not only its physical beauty and fragrant aroma that is enticing. The Essential Oil it produces has a myriad of benefits for the body and mind and has been used in aromatherapy for thousands of years. Rose oil is an antioxidant, detoxing your body and skin and an anti-microbial which can purify the complexion and boost skin health. Rose oil has been shown to improve confidence, self-esteem and mental strength while effectively fighting depression and anxiety. It has been shown to balance hormones, reduce redness and puffiness, is anti-ageing and has deeply nourishing properties that can leave your complexion bouncier, brighter and more luminous.


Healing crystal infused candles - Use your candles to create a self care practise for your self. lighting candles can provide the perfect atmosphere to induce calm and a sense of well-being.


Positive Affirmation  - Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often you can literally re-wire your brain, resulting in these becoming your automatic response instead of negative thoughts. Affirmations help us to create the reality we want by manifesting it and by changing our thoughts which in term changes our behaviour.


.Belgian Chocolates - The taste, smell and texture of chocolate stimulate the feel-good parts of the brain, which affect our mood. Chocolate contains tryptophan, which stimulates serotonin, the body’s natural anti-depressant. The caffeine content in chocolate allows it to act as a temporary ‘pick-me-up’, boosting concentration and energy. Try eating your chocolates mindfully as detailed in this guide to heighten your chocolate eating experience.

The Love Box

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